Give the gift of education.
Annual Fundraiser
Total Funds Needed:
Education Fund
Providing care, discipleship & education for 150 children in Ghana:
130 children at Global Presence Hope Academy
20 students pursuing trades and university
130 children at Global Presence Hope Academy
20 students pursuing trades and university
Give a gift of any amount!
One-time or monthly donations
To sponsor the complete education & care of one child for a year:
$600 ($50 per month)
Bringing personal and societal transformation through:Care for orphaned and at-risk children.
High-quality education for school-aged children. Vocational training for continued economic development. Partnering with chiefs, elders and the local community. Demonstrations of God's love with countless salvations, healings, and miracles! |
Missions TeamsA Global Presence Mission Team will be going to Ghana January of 2024. Here's where you can give!
Signs, Wonders & Miracles!
The presence of God is powerfully impacting Ghana. We have seen thousands of salvations and miracles, including a witchdoctor being saved and healed, a woman walking after 8 years in a wheelchair, a tumor falling off, a paralyzed man walking, many blind eyes and deaf ears opening, and a baby raised from the dead!
Where it all began...
Because a tribal king encountered the power and love of God, an entire community is being transformed.
King Miraculously Healed
The Global Presence Transformation Center in Gbefi, Ghana came about as the result of miracles. In 2011 a team from Global Presence first came to Gbefi, and when they met with the chiefs and elders to present the purpose of the mission, Steven Springer took the opportunity to pray for the Paramount Chief who was suffering from a severe lung condition. The chief was miraculously healed by the power of God!
50 Acres of Land Given for God’s Kingdom
The chief wanted this same power to continue to impact his region, and out of gratitude, he gifted Global Presence 50 acres of land with three abandoned buildings. This confirmed the vision the Lord had given Steven Springer prior to the meeting: A Transformation Center which would include a Worship & Training Center, a Children’s Home, and a School!
Global Presence developed the land, renovated the 3 buildings, drilled a well for fresh water, and acquired a transformer in order to install electricity. The community began to affectionately call the Transformation Center "Hope City." |
Worship & Training Center
Everything flows from the Presence of God.
Global Presence renovated and opened the first facility in 2013: The Worship and Training Center. Here people gather from surrounding communities to pray, worship, and be equipped in the ways of the Kingdom. This place of God’s presence serves as the epicenter from which comes all other work and ministry of the Global Presence Transformation Center.
Hope Home (Children's Home)
Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress.
James 1:27 In 2014 Global Presence opened the second facility: The Hope Home. 30 children who had been orphaned or at risk have been welcomed into the Hope Home family, where their physical, emotional, academic and spiritual needs have been cared for.
They have grown up in a supernatural environment, learning sensitivity to the Lord’s Presence, a love for His Word, and strong character values. Now these children are growing into young adults, pursuing higher education and a variety of trades with the support of academic scholarships from Global Presence sponsors. |
Vocational Academy
Hope Academy (Private Elementary School)
In 2019 Global Presence opened the first private school in the community of Gbefi, Hope Academy, providing high-quality education to students at a cost affordable for their families. Enrollment is open to children in the surrounding communities, expanding the impact of the Transformation Center.
Through the generous support of sponsors, Global Presence provides nearly all of the funds required for the school, including facilities, furniture, teaching materials and teacher salaries. In a culture of creativity and excellence, the children are challenged academically, grow in responsibility, and learn Biblical and character values, giving them a foundation for a successful future. As of 2024, 140 students are enrolled in Hope Academy, and each year the school expands with an additional classroom, providing more children with this amazing educational opportunity. |
Long-Term Vision
In establishing the Transformation Center, Global Presence sent 2 missionaries to live on-base for the developing years. We have since raised up more than 20 Ghanaian staff to continue the work.
Our goal is for the Global Presence Transformation Center to become self-sustaining through the agricultural development, the schools, and the businesses which will be a product of the Vocational Academy. As we develop toward this, we are currently sponsored by generous families and businesses from the United States.
We believe this is a prototype of more Transformation Centers to be established throughout the earth to disciple and transform nations. (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Establishing a dedicated place of God’s Presence
- Bringing justice and caring for the poor
- Working with the indigenous people (local community, governing officials, etc.)
- Providing vocational, educational, and spiritual training
Vision for Transforming Africa
Our Story