By Steven & Rene Springer
Released on Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 15th, 2023 Video Length: 35 minutes (Transcription below) Transcription: Time to Open & Possess the Gates Steven: As we've crossed the line and have come into this year of 5784, there are dimensions of doors and gateways that God is now giving us access to that we didn't have previously. We need to understand the gates that have been opened before us as in Psalm 24. And that's part of the grace that we're entering into, as we begin to speak to those gates, “Fling wide, you gates. Be lifted up, you everlasting doors of destiny, so that the King of glory may enter in.” [Story of the Gates: Scotland] Sometimes we just need to speak to those things that even appear as if they're being closed before us. There are doors God has opened up that He has promised no one will shut. It may be closed, but I'll tell you, it's not locked. Dream: A number of us had a massive battering ram, and there were these floor-to-ceiling gates. And we were just taking the battering ram, and we're smashing and smashing it, but it was tough and we weren’t breaking through. We had done this in other places, and that battering ram had worked so well every other place. But this place, I mean, we tried and we tried and we tried to no avail. Then all of a sudden Jesus taps me on the shoulder and hands me a key. He says, “Try this.” And I'm thinking, You just watched us do that for how long? This is part of the key: relationship and inquiring of the Lord, because even though that was the way we did warfare in the last season, it's different in this season. In this season there are keys that He has given us. As I put the key in the gate, they opened up effortlessly. God is really setting the stage for us to enter in with boldness. With that boldness, it may not look how we did warfare in the last season. It may be even more intense. The relationship component is so important, and the fact that he has given the keys to the kingdom to his Ekklesia. He's inviting us into a season to begin to use the keys to storm the gates and possess the gates. Because if we don't, I'm telling you, there's an enemy that is already occupying. He's got his little “tent” doing his occupy thing. Here’s what God wants: The king's kids in the gates. The gates are places of influence. He wants us to be the influencers, (not just the ones that are on YouTube). Part of the influence component is we actually have to be in the world. For too long the church has run out of the world because they're afraid to be in the world, “because it might taint us.” Instead, let's go taint the world with the love of Jesus! Because if the world tastes how good God is, I'm telling you right now, boom, things change. We need to know that we have to be engaged in every sphere of society. This is what the gates represent. They represent the place of commerce, legislation, business, courts. They represent the place of all of those things that took place at the gates in the old city. And God's saying, “Now it's time for My sons and daughters, the sons and daughters of the kingdom, to possess the gates, to enter into the gates and possess them.” We have to do that. That is so key and strategic for us in this season. We see in Psalm 84 where David is just fascinated with the beauty of the temple and all that's going on there. He says, “better is one day in your courts, oh God, than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of God than doing anything else.” It's about being a gatekeeper to His presence. It's a gatekeeper to his authority. It's a gatekeeper to his love. And we've got the keys that open all that up, giving all-access to a world that would be willing. Rene: I think it is really important that we see ourselves as gatekeepers: gatekeepers over our own soul, and gatekeepers to whatever sphere of influence and places that God has us. We are the gatekeepers. The more we understand that and exercise that authority, the more we'll see the kingdom of God advance on the earth. It's really key. Steven: The Lord says, “As you possess the gates and you war with your words, now, Rosh Hashanah, Sept 15, 2023 through May of 2025, the keys that I've given you, will be very key.” We need to keep watch and we need to stand guard in the full armor of God. Remember, it's God's armor. His glory is our rear guard. And he's hedged us in from behind him before. And there's a ring of fire that surrounds us, and the angel of the Lord encamps around those that love him and fear him. I'm telling you, greater is He that is for us. And for too long we've backed down and backed off. God is saying, “It's time to level up. Rise up, let's go!” It’s time we truly choose to arise and shine. We’re in a season of arising and shining. Encounter with the Angel of Awakening I've had several encounters with the angel of awakening, but there was one that I keep being recalled to and even have been reliving the encounter. In this encounter, we were in a city called Churchville, Maryland, just outside of Baltimore. We were going there because of George Whitfield, a tremendous preacher during the first great awakening here in the United States. He would preach, and the multitudes would get saved. The field is still there today. It's on the corner of Churchville Street and Calvary Way and something else. It’s like a triangle right behind an old Presbyterian church. And so, we went there on a Sunday morning when the Presbyterians were having their service. And we went out there and said, “Bring the angel of awakening, God.” And we just began to contend, to pray, “Do it again in our day, God! Do it again in this hour. We ask for that anointing like Whitfield, who could preach to 20,000 people.” As we stood there and we contended and asked for the awakening, this wind out of nowhere - it was like 40 miles an hour - just blasted us in this hay field. Everything was just being tipped over by the wind. I, along with another man who was also a prophetic seer, suddenly saw two big angels. And they rose up out of the field and they began to flap their wings, releasing that wind of awakening. And I'm thinking, “that's what we need.” And then they flew away to release the awakening. We need to have a boldness that would rise up within us saying, “God, do it again. Do it again.” It's not about the microphone, it's about the masses hearing the good news of Jesus Christ, because we've been touched by the uncreated God of the universe, who awakened us with the power of his love so that we could be the ambassadors of His kingdom kindness that changes the world. And he wants to raise up ones like Wesley and Whitfield, voices of fire, voices of unction. Marketplace Revival But this time it's going to be through a whole different way: the marketplace is going to be the platform for the hour. There's a marketplace revival and awakening that is coming. That's where many Believers are embedded throughout the week. You get to be those undercover, supernatural agents of change. You get to get them with love. Keys of the Kingdom From now and through May, the keys of the kingdom will be very key for us, and we have to learn to wage war with our words. Things will appear to get really dark. It already is, but there is something in the atmosphere that has been unleashed: a Pland_mic 2.0. Again, they're trying to release a spirit of fear, but you haven't been given it. So don't take it. Stop listening to it and get above it. As we begin to legislate with the keys of the kingdom, we can extinguish this thing so there won't be a Covid 2.0 nonsense in the planet. The plan of the enemy is to use a whole bunch of people as pawns in a game for his advancement. But there's a King of glory that is seated on a throne, and He is raising up an unusual group of people, a peculiar group of people, who know who they are in Christ, filled with glory, fire and elements of change. That's what we get to do in this season. We're going to be part of the “resistance,” because greater is He that's in us than the one that's in the world. And we will resist the devil. We are the resistance. Every plan and scheme that the enemy has devised and tries to put in play, if we begin to see it in the realm of the spirit, we begin to call a different reality, that with our words we begin to war and change the whole narrative and story. The reality is, we are in the most tremendous harvest season that the world has ever seen. The number 4 means gate or doorway. And Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And he will have the reward of his suffering, but it takes sons and daughters who will move in boldness, knowing they are seated with Him in heavenly places. Again, we cannot succumb to the fear, because that's one thing that the enemy wants to do. Train Our Gaze Rene: I keep hearing as Steve is saying that: we need to train our gaze. We've got to learn to respond rather than react. So when the enemy comes to get a reaction out of us, when everything's really loud right here, God is training our gaze so we don't engage at this level, but so that we look to what the Father is saying, to what heaven is declaring. We respond to our Father rather than react to fear. There's a training that needs to happen. We're training our gaze, even in the moment. If you're a fighter - my husband's all fighter, and He’s had to train his gaze - you must learn, where does your fight lie? The enemy just tries to trip us up so oftentimes in opinions. Whose opinion really matters? Don't engage at that level. Train your gaze. There are external things that come, and the more you are a feeler or a seer, and the spirit realm is really loud around you, you’ve got to train your gaze. Just ask God, What are you saying? What are you doing? And the enemy could be right here. And he's going to train you to not engage, to look up. [Personal Story] The Mountain of the Lord Over all Spheres of Society Steven: Isaiah 2:2-4 TPT In the last days the mountain of Yahweh's temple will be raised up as the head of the mountains. And so when we take the context of mountains, let's look at them as the spheres of society. It's the government mountain. It's education, it's business, it's arts and entertainment, it's media, it's family, it's religion, it's all of those things. God is the head of it, because the earth is His. And that's where Psalm 24 is going to be a very strategic scripture, a theme for this whole next year. We're going to learn how to ascend and live the ascended life. We're going to learn how to stand where He's called us to stand. We're going to be ones that are going to bring forth the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit, because we're that generation - that Jacob generation of misfits, tramps and thieves - and we're going to be ones who will change the world. The mountain of the Lord, as we begin to learn how to ascend that place with clean hands and a pure heart, I'm telling you it's going to be so amazing. In the last days the mountain of Yahweh's temple will be raised up as the head of the mountains towering over all the hills, A sparkling stream of every nation will flow into it. That's a beautiful thing about it, that as we lift Jesus up, the nations will stream. They won't even be able to help themselves because of His goodness and grace. Many people will come there and say, “Everyone come. Let us go up to the higher place, to Yahweh's Mountain, to the house of Jacob's God!” Then he can teach us his ways and we can walk in his path. His instruction is such an important part of this. Part of that instruction really is the revelation that He's releasing. But the revelation won't come without what to do with it. That's the Issachar component. And if you're not familiar with what the Issachar anointing, we see it in 1 Chronicles 12:32, where David was listing the lining up the tribes of Israel. The third tribe that was listed was the tribe of Issachar, and they understood the times and seasons and they knew what to do. And so, we're going to understand the times and seasons, but the incredible wisdom and grace is going to be like we’ve never seen before. The church is going to look so vastly different in the next year and a half. You will not recognize the Ekklesia. The Lord is going to teach us the revelation that's coming, and then we're going to be able to walk and navigate with His light and with His glory wherever He leads. Zion will be the center of instruction. There's a whole new realm of glory that's going to be unlocked. It's about the recalibrating of our gaze, that as we fix our eyes on eyes of fire. That's where the realm of glory opens up. The Judgement of the Lord unto the Harvest And the word of Yahweh shall go forth from Jerusalem and He will judge fairly between the nations and settle disputes among many people. We're about to see the vengeance of the Lord. And vengeance isn't always bad. We sometimes think justice is wrath. Wrath and justice are two very vastly different things. We're about to see the judgments of the Lord released in the earth. And part of it will actually be through your mouths, that as you speak to things, you see things of injustice, whether that's human trafficking or whether that's someone that's dying of cancer, you speak: "Devil of cancer, I cast you out in Jesus name!” Boom. That thing goes. There's justice right there. We just need to begin to see how the Father sees and understand the authority that we've been given to tramp and squash serpents and scorpions. He will judge fairly between nations and settle disputes among many peoples. And they will beat their swords they used against each other into plow shears and their spears into pruning hooks. And no nation will take up weapon against others, nor will they prepare for war anymore. Now, we're not fully there yet. Those things that would've been used to destroy are the very things that will bring in the harvest: sickles. We're just going to swipe that sickle to bring in the harvest, a tremendous catch of people. Just get ready for the souls that are about to be saved! Bob Jones had a prophecy that he would live to see the beginning of a billion soul harvest. The word the Lord gave me is billions. It's not just 1 billion. (I believe that's cutting God way too short to only have an eighth of the planet saved.) In Bob Jones' time when he got that word, it was right on, but I'm telling you, we're in a new time right now where God is going to save even the least of these. The people you didn't even imagine that would be saved are going to get saved; they'll have an opportunity. They will have the opportunity because there will be great signs, wonders and miracles. And it'll be done and displayed through young and old and everyone in between. And then not only that, there are signs and wonders in the heavenlies that are about to be unleashed like never before that will mark what the Father is up to. We've seen it. We've seen it with storms, we've seen it with earthquakes. We've seen all kinds of crazy things that when we go decree things, all of a sudden, boom, it happens in the natural realm, because it's all connected. The weapons that were once used against one another will now be used to bring in the harvest. The book of Esther will be a roadmap starting March of 2024 and through the first week of June. There are about to come very interesting weeks, and Haman's gallows have been set. This is not just a time to expose, but it's a time to bring justice. And justice will be served, for those that devise evil will be hung on their own gallows. When God's behind justice, it's going to offend the darkness and the schemes of the enemy. When exposure comes it brings the light so that authentic justice can be served. We've been praying this for the last couple years: expose. Things have been exposed, but nothing's been tried and just, and now my prayers have changed, now: “Justice will be served! Justice will be served! Justice will be served! No more hiding anymore.” There is no hiding anymore. To those that have played the game for too long, the game has just ended. It's over. So Esther will be a really strategic book. What we see in that, too, is one who is willing, for her nation and for her people, to fast, to pray, to intercede and contend and just stand before the king with a cause, a just cause that breaks the back. Rene: One of the things I just want to mention about Esther's heart posture: When it was Esther's time to go into the king's chamber, she did something very different than all the other concubines. She asked the eunuch, “What would be pleasing to the king?” That's what I will bring into his chamber. They got to pick anything to bring into the chamber. But she only wanted to bring that which was pleasing to the king. Then the heart posture that God has: “Up to half the kingdom is yours, Esther.” It's just amazing. She captivated the king's heart by her heart response. “I will bring before you what is pleasing to the king.” Harvest Steven: Isaiah 60:1-5 Part of what the Lord was really highlighting for me this year goes back to the harvest. And for many of you that have been praying for sons and daughters to come, here's what it says here in verse 4: look and see, for everyone is coming home. So if you've got somebody you've been contending for that has bailed on Jesus, they're coming back, because Jesus didn't bail on them; He bailed them out. Your Sons are coming from distant lands and your little daughters will be carried home. Your eyes will shine and your heart will be thrilled with joy. For the merchants from around the world will come to you and they will bring the wealth. There's an incredible transfer of wealth that's coming in the hands of the king's kids, if we pay attention and position ourselves for the opportunities that God is going to be able to lay out and display. There's a fire and glory that's coming. Isaiah 61:4 After the restoration of human hearts, and lives are restored, and we become those oaks of righteousness: And they will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing the cities destroyed long ago. They will revive them though they have been deserted for many generations. That's really the mandate we have as sons and daughters of the most high God, that as we literally have dominion, we subdue the earth and then take our authority and use it. That's part of this wealth transfer. We're going to rebuild ruined cities, or cities of poor governance and disrespect for authority, cities like Portland, Seattle and San Francisco. Prayer: Father, we thank You for Your fire and glory that's being bestowed upon your sons and daughters. I thank You for the season and the time of awakening that has been released right now. God, I thank You that we're entering into the gates with boldness and we're going to use the keys to the kingdom that have been issued to us because of the victory of the Cross of Calvary. Thank You for the power and the effectiveness of the blood that speaks a better word. And I thank You, Lord, for this generation, this Jacob generation that's being awakened and revived for such a time as this. We say, God, release fresh dimensions of glory, release fresh dimensions of Your power. Release fresh dimensions of Your kingdom. We say even now, God, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven. We speak to the land, we speak to the ground, we speak to creation: Be awakened, be revived. Release the vibrations of heaven. Release the vibrations of awakening. Release the vibrations of restoration. We decree and declare now that it will never be the same and that we will never be the same. I thank you, Lord, for these supernatural agents of change that are going to be dispersed and placed into culture, like the woman who placed just a measure of leaven into the bread and it affected the whole thing. I decree and declare that as the enemy has spewed its noise and its leaven, the Bread of Life will have his reward of His suffering. And I decree and declare now that we are the leaven that's being embedded into culture to change culture, to shift culture for such a time as this. Thank you Lord.
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